“You know what truth is? It’s some crazy thing my neighbor believes. If I want to make friends with him, I ask him what he believes. He tells me, and I say, “Yeah, yeah – ain’t it the truth?”

  • Removing old iPhone/iPad Backups FTW

    A few days ago I tweeted this: getting tired of having more free space on my phone than on my laptop Which got me thinking. How much space is being used up on my laptop just for backing up my phone? Some investigation yielding the following obvious result. Alot. But what’s worse is that there…

  • Email only Signup

    One of the things that bugs me about the web is having to create logins everywhere. There are lots of attempts to deal with this problem (OpenID, Facebook Connect, 1Password) etc. but they all seem to have problem or require me to do things like: Use only sites that implement them Copy and paste stuff…

  • Buying Time

    For the last several years I have been working essentially as a contractor/consultant rather than a full time employee. These engagements are of varying lengths and generally center around specific projects. This arrangement suits me well as I prefer to think of my job as working on a Project rather than for a Company and…

  • Please Stop Giving Me The Business

    As a programmer there is good and bad about working inside a company who’s core business is not directly the software you are writing. The Good: No one knows what you do You can get to learn about other businesses/fields The bad: No one knows what you do You can end up being treated like…

  • Screening Programmers Via Email

    There is lots of good articles out there on the web about how to interview programmers. Here’s one. Most of this understandably focuses on the interview process whether its a phone screen or and in person all day event. At some places the process essentially stretches out for a 90 day trial period. I don’t…

  • Spokefest 2010

    Pretty excited about SpokeFest tomorrow. I did it the first year with the little girl but didn’t make it after that. This year they added a 47 mile option which should be fun. With that and the ride to downtown it should be about 67 for me. This year I even have a T-shirt.

  • Another Story About How Fred Brooks is Smarter than Me

    Maybe I could do a whole book, but I guess he already has. Back when I was in gradual school Fred Brooks was the adviser for something called the building walk-through project. The idea was pretty crazy. You would model a building in a computer before it was built and “walk” around in it using…

  • Gradual School

    A previous post got this comment: You were in a gradual school? I am guessing the commenter was “helping” me with my spelling which I do need in  general but in this case I was referring to: Walt: Daddy what’s gradual school? T. S. Garp: What? Walt: Gradual school. Mommy say’s she teaches at gradual…

  • Social Works

    Conventional wisdom says that the free market compensates people based on how hard they work, their ability,  or the importance of their job. People with rare or high levels of talent and strong work ethic rise to the top and make the most money.  It is certainly true that most of the people at the…

  • Thoughts on Random Thoughts

    Yesterday I put up a post on my blog about programming. I did this because I had read an earlier post that inspired me about the idea of trying to write something every day. The basic idea was that if you keep at it you will get better. So I had a go. The incredible…