“You know what truth is? It’s some crazy thing my neighbor believes. If I want to make friends with him, I ask him what he believes. He tells me, and I say, “Yeah, yeah – ain’t it the truth?”

  • Langchain

    I’ve been playing around a bit with the langchain library to better understand the kind of things people are doing with complex prompts to extend the utility of LLMs. One example I looked at was how to use the library to enable queries over your own documents. There’s a good example using a notion based…

  • AI

    I’ve decided to use the free time I have to learn more about AI. I had taken the Andrew Ng ML course a long time ago so I know what some of the words mean but I wanted to also have a better understanding of the things people are actually doing now. First, I wanted…

  • Starting again?

    So It looks like its been around 9 years since I have written a blog post. I think I stopped when I took a job at Amazon and didn’t want to have to make a disclaimer about these views not being the opinion of my employer. I’ve been thinking of starting again but I am…

  • Django CRUD and Angular.js

    In the post on Simple Django Class based CRUD views the focus was on setting up simple views with ModelForms to build all the CRUD views for a Model. I have been playing around a bit with Angular.js and wanted to see if I could link the two up. A word of caution. I really…

  • Simple Django Class based CRUD views

    Class based CRUD views in django have been around for a while, but I haven’t been using them because every time I tried I ended up with more code that seemed no better than the old way. I just started a small project from scratch and decided to give it a go again. The basic…

  • Flattening the Backbone.js Learning Curve

    I just spent some time getting into Backbone.js finally.  The learning curve was a little steeper than I expected, mostly because I think I expected Backbone.js to be something that it is not. From the docs: Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions,views with…

  • Advice for Tech Handicapped Computer Users

    After several years of helping non tech savvy neighbors with various problems, I wanted to make this list as a standard advice that anyone should follow. This is not intended to be a list of best practices, rather a list of simple important practices. If you are smart enough to figure out a better solution…

  • Learning Spanish

    For the past few years I have been trying to learn Spanish. My main motivation is that I enjoy traveling in Latin American and speaking the language opens up many opportunities. I have tried several different methods, cds, books, rosetta, immersion school in Costa Rica, personal tutors etc. They all have their benefits but in…

  • Coder’s Block

    I have tried before to write about what makes programming hard. I’m not really happy with that post or the followup. I still believe that Complexity in all forms is the biggest problem thought its not the only one. Sometimes designing an algorithm can be really challenging even for something which feels pretty simple. Same goes…

  • Sshuttle

    Thanks to @elasticdog I now have sshuttle all set up on my laptop. He has an excellent guide here. Personally I just went with the brew install option and its working just fine. Seems much easier to maintain than setting up a real VPN on the server side. There is really no server side config…