“You know what truth is? It’s some crazy thing my neighbor believes. If I want to make friends with him, I ask him what he believes. He tells me, and I say, “Yeah, yeah – ain’t it the truth?”

  • Grug Dev

    Someone posted this in a slack: https://grugbrain.dev/ Its maybe a little bit long and the joke wears thin by the end but also I wish I had written it. In a clever way it talks through so much of different sorts of dysfunction in Software Development. You can also read it in translation here. Some…

  • Thoughts about Crypto

    I don’t consider myself a crypto booster or a person who thinks it’s terrible and all just a big scam/ponzi etc. For sure, having unregulated money has been great for all kinds of scams and other illegal activity but I think my main POV on crypto has always been, hmm, let’s see what happens. I…

  • Meme’ing with GPT

    This is a fun and clever meme: How does GPT deal with it? Explain this meme The meme plays on the order of operations in mathematics. The correct way to solve the expression “230 – 220 x (1 ÷ 2)” is to first solve the operation inside the parentheses, then multiplication, and finally subtraction: 1…

  • Could vs Will

    A long time ago, when I was working at Cyan on Uru we had a visit from a tech guy from the publisher. He was trying to assess where things stood. He interviewed all the devs on my team before talking to me and he then met with me and said. “You are more than…

  • Productivity of Software Teams

    People love talking about productivity in Software development. So much so that this conversation is probably a key contribution to low productivity. Since Covid, we’ve been asking if remote work is as effective as in office etc. Many of the bigCos are now pushing people to go back into the office. They give all kinds…

  • Amazon Clinic

    So I had covid several weeks ago for the first time. As often happens when I get a respiratory illness, even after I feel better I can get a lingering cough that seems to go on forever. There are a few prescription meds that have helped in the past but getting a prescription requires a…

  • Ways programming languages got better (mostly)

    I was talking with an old friend the other day about how programming has changed in our lifetimes. There’s plenty of room for old people grousing about how tool chains are too complicated, abstractions are too deep, or kids today don’t know how to do X. There are however a lot of positive changes in…

  • Checking up

    A friend sent this link: https://ravenation.club/@bearsong/111232965922163404 Oh hey look, LLMs are dumb. So I tried it with GPT4: And: Which is IMO actually really impressive. I actually see a lot of this where people post screenshots saying either “Wow, look how amazing GPT is” or “Wow, look how dumb GPT is”. Its really important to…

  • Building a Simple Web App Part 5 of N : Gitlab Pipelines

    The post is going to be about setting up a build / test pipeline that runs automatically when you push new code change. I am doing all of this with gitlab. While most of the world uses github, I decided to use gitlab because you can do more without paying anything :). So I have…

  • Building a Simple Web App Part 4 of N : Nginx/Apache

    Now we get to the actual servers that the browser will connect to directly. Like a lot of guides online I’ve chosen to put Django behind nginx so that nginx is serving up all the static files and Django is served by gunicorn. The trick here is though that I’m also proxying nginx behind apache…