“You know what truth is? It’s some crazy thing my neighbor believes. If I want to make friends with him, I ask him what he believes. He tells me, and I say, “Yeah, yeah – ain’t it the truth?”

  • 10 things I learned in the Game Industry

    Since I’m currently in my latest attempt to quit the game industry, I thought it would be good to make a list of what I learned. Alpha Blending covers over way more sins than you think it will. The best Game design comes just borrowing ideas from other places and iterating. See any game by…

  • Thoughts on El Salvador

    Since I got back from El Salvador, I seem to be having a lot of trouble re-adjusting. There are a lot of potential reasons for this and as usual I have spent too much time over-examining most of them. There were a lot of thoughts and feelings compressed into one week. It never seemed like…

  • Xkcd

    I went to El Salavdor a few weeks ago and had a completely wonderful time. Unforunately, I got sick when I got back and it took a long time to recover. I learned the hard way that having low energy can lead to pretty bad feelings of depression etc. Usually the best cure for this…

  • Its a fun day to watch Fox News

    Or read the right wing blogs. Its so much fun to see them try to find a silver lining or make their point about what this means about the GOPs future direction. Its so much fun because they sound like the Democrats have after the last few elections and its just nice to be reminded…

  • War bad? Who’da Thunk it?

    So now Vanity fair has the latest in the series of statements by proponents of the Irag War who now are saying that if they had known it would be this bad they maybe wouldn’t have, you know, been for the war. This time its Richard Perle, the only man in America who might be…

  • No Code Left Behind

    I have never been a member of the Unit Testing Cult. That’s not to say that I don’t think tests are a good idea, or that I haven’t used them in the past. Maybe I just haven’t worked on enough XML parsers. Most of the work I have done is in highly interactive applications (video…

  • A new solution to the Immigration problem?

    According to this BBC piece (and alot of other sources) the distribution of income and wealth in this country is becoming concentrated more and more at the top. While the country as a whole is seeing increasing economic growth the real effect of that growth goes mostly to wealthier people. During the five years from…

  • Better Management Through Incompetence

    There’s alot of talk on the internet and even on this blog about how to be a better manager. There’s also alot of talk about how to be a better parent. In The Blank Slate Pinker makes the case that being a better parent doesn’t really matter much. He cites research showing peers and genes…

  • Complexity

    There’s a link to a really interesting paper floating around on the web today. Its about complexity in software development and the authors’ approach to dealing with it. While I’m not so convinced about thier solutions, I do love thier introduction on complexity and the feasibility of testing. For me the money quote in the…

  • SEO The Newest Turn Based Strategy Gambling Game

    Inspired by Markus I have decided to play around with adwords and affiliate marketing. To be clear I have no illusions of making any real money but its still fun and I like to learn new things. To date I have spent under 10 bucks and made $0, so I guess that makes me a…