“You know what truth is? It’s some crazy thing my neighbor believes. If I want to make friends with him, I ask him what he believes. He tells me, and I say, “Yeah, yeah – ain’t it the truth?”

  • Croquet

    Lots of new announcments from the Croquet People. A Company a consortium and the 1.0 SDK release. Its nice to see they are still alive and kicking. It would be even nicer if they hired some decent artists.  There are some really smart and talented people behind Croquet but so far thier screenshots actually make…

  • The Big Picture on Iraq

    Truth be told, I’m basically a sucker alot of the time. I mean I’m often easily swayed by a small piece of evidence that has nothing much at all to do with the big picture. This comes up all the time during the Iraq Conflict. I hear a story that makes it sound like things…

  • Seeing Daylight

    While in most cases you have to be super rich or a terrorist to benefit from Bush’s policies, there has been one new law that went into effect which in my opinion is good for people in neither of these special groups. Hurray Bush for moving up Day light savings time. While its not really…

  • Relative Support

    I guess like most people who “know computers”, I get alot of questions from relatives and other people about what I recommend for this or that. Sometimes this is hard since what I do for myself isn’t necessarily what I would recommend for someone else. Other times the questions come down to issues of money…

  • Looking in the Evil Mirror

    I got something in the mail the other day about a speech by Newt Gingrinch about how serious the threat of terrorism is. The sender figured that since I don’t support the war I would react negatively to what Newt was saying. But I didn’t really. Newt was mostly right. Its a serious problem and…

  • The Tasks of Software Development

    I recently started a new programming project. For me its new in a few different ways. Its the first job I have had with or for a local company in about 3 years, Its the first project I have worked on (for money) that was small enough for me to complete by myself really in…

  • Cliche Antonyms

    I have a really obscure hobby of collecting Cliche’ antonyms. My theory is that for every good and true sounding cliche’ there is an alternate one that means basically the opposite. This is convenient since we can pull out this “wisdom” to satisfy whatever point we are trying to make at the time. For example,…

  • Form Failure

    I really hate filling out forms even well designed ones. But I really really hate filling out stupid forms. He’s a part of a stupid one I just recently had to fill out. Do you see the problem? You might think my problem is that it asks me for both my Date of Birth and…

  • Optimal Flow

    I have been hearing alot about the concept of Flow popularized mostly by the pyschologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. I decided to read the book to see what more there was to it all. While I liked most of it and I think the concept is a useful one, the book suffers from the same problem most…

  • Don’t need that extra D

    I don’t have much good to say about 3D virtual worlds like Second Hype or Croquet. But what about just using 3D in the user interface for other applications? Are we going to start seeing more and more applications with 3d user interfaces? Probably some, but not very many in my view because in most…