Category: Uncategorized

  • Moved to WordPress

    Was inspired enough to finally move the blog to wordpress. Not inspired enough to actually write anything yet.

  • A point in every direction

    Saw Good Night and Good Luck recently. Liked it a lot in that kind of everything is different, everything is the same kind of way. One of the big differences that the movie reminded me of was that when there were fewer media outlets, each one had huge power. What these outlets said really mattered.…

  • The means are the ends

    Anyone who thinks that you can defeat you enemy by becoming like them has merely forgotten what the fight is about. Its disgraceful enough that 10% of the senate thinks torture is ok. Its even worse that the executive branch is trying to get around it. For those of you in the crowd that think…

  • Back in the Day

    When I was a kid not many people had thier own computer but video games were pretty popular in the arcade first then at home. If you did have a computer you could write your own games and the cool thing was they were about as good as the ones you were buying or renting…

  • Google

    Sometimes I wonder if google really has no big ideas. What if they are just going to spend thier billions messing around doing little apps and stuff and buying the interesting “Web 2.0” companies? What if the entire company is nothing more than that worlds most expensive senior project class at a Computer Science grad…

  • Wish I had taken a picture

    Today I got to watch my son pet his virtual dog in Nintendogs! with his real dog watching him.

  • Its the Platform Stupid!

    I had an advisor once named Henry Fuchs. He was fond of saying that as technology changes over time, ideas that were outdated become popular again. The wheel keeps on turning around. One of the most popular ideas in computer programming is “Write once, Run anywhere”. A lot of people latched on to this concept…

  • Pastafarianism

    There’s be a lot of stuff in my Bloglines lately about the Flying Spaghetti Monster. If you don’t know of the greatness of the FSM then by all means Google him up and have a good chuckle. According to Wikipedia Flying Spaghetti Monsterism is a “Parody Religion” which was a response to the Kansas State…

  • Outrage

    Sure there’s lots of things to be outraged about and most of them are in the Government but the thing thats got me most upset lately is this . I mean I happen to like Mr. Burton and Mr. Depp. I could watch Scissorhands right now in fact. But remaking this movie is just wrong.…

  • GOOG

    So for a while now I’ve been trying to understand why GOOG is worth 60Billion. Actually when I started wondering it was more like 30Billion and I’m not getting any closer to figuring it out. While it might be old fashioned, I thought a good way to proceed was to look at how much they…