Category: Uncategorized

  • A new solution to the Immigration problem?

    According to this BBC piece (and alot of other sources) the distribution of income and wealth in this country is becoming concentrated more and more at the top. While the country as a whole is seeing increasing economic growth the real effect of that growth goes mostly to wealthier people. During the five years from…

  • Complexity

    There’s a link to a really interesting paper floating around on the web today. Its about complexity in software development and the authors’ approach to dealing with it. While I’m not so convinced about thier solutions, I do love thier introduction on complexity and the feasibility of testing. For me the money quote in the…

  • SEO The Newest Turn Based Strategy Gambling Game

    Inspired by Markus I have decided to play around with adwords and affiliate marketing. To be clear I have no illusions of making any real money but its still fun and I like to learn new things. To date I have spent under 10 bucks and made $0, so I guess that makes me a…

  • Bad People

    Saddam is a bad guy. He’s so bad he’s on trial for “Crimes Against Humanity”. Currently the trial is focusing on Crimes that he commited in 1982. Turns out my favortie picture of him was taken in 1983. The Kurds were gassed in 1988 but we didnt stop being his buddy till 1990. I’m glad…

  • Wrong or Right

    Just to recap the obvious, No one is always right. And no one is always wrong 

  • Simplicity

    A few years ago I went to see the movie “The Fast and the Furious”. I remember watching it for about 20 mins and not having any idea what it was about or where it was going. Then it hit me. I turned to the person sitting next to me and said. “Oh I get…

  • Reusable Code

    When OOP was first becoming a big deal and especially when C++ was becoming popular, there was alot of talk about how things like encapsulation would enable more reuse of software. People wanted software to consist of components that you hooked together like when building computer hardware. The term “Software IC” became popular but not…

  • GDC 2006

    Haven’t been to GDC in two years. While nothing is more awesomr than seeing people you haven’t seen in a long time, there wasn’t much interesting at the show that I had not seen before. Overall I guess I would describe the show as “Just like before but now with Normal Maps!”.

  • Starbucks Cup Wisdom of the Day

    The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating – in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life.…

  • All Marketers are Liars

    Seth Godin is about the only marketing person I can stand to listen to without wanting to scream. Google does a great thing by posting many of the talks people give there on google video. Although this one has a curious edit you might spot.