Category: Uncategorized

  • The numbers according to Warren

    From here.   Mr Buffett said that he was taxed at 17.7 per cent on the $46 million he made last year, without trying to avoid paying higher taxes, while his secretary, who earned $60,000, was taxed at 30 per cent. Mr Buffett told his audience, which included John Mack, the chairman of Morgan Stanley,…

  • Actually, I think I’ll pass…

  • Cliche Antonyms

    I have a really obscure hobby of collecting Cliche’ antonyms. My theory is that for every good and true sounding cliche’ there is an alternate one that means basically the opposite. This is convenient since we can pull out this “wisdom” to satisfy whatever point we are trying to make at the time. For example,…

  • Form Failure

    I really hate filling out forms even well designed ones. But I really really hate filling out stupid forms. He’s a part of a stupid one I just recently had to fill out. Do you see the problem? You might think my problem is that it asks me for both my Date of Birth and…

  • Don’t need that extra D

    I don’t have much good to say about 3D virtual worlds like Second Hype or Croquet. But what about just using 3D in the user interface for other applications? Are we going to start seeing more and more applications with 3d user interfaces? Probably some, but not very many in my view because in most…

  • Second Hype

    Every time I think the PR hype machine that is Second Life will come to an end, reality steps in and proves me wrong. I guess there is no end of Celebrity X Appears in SL stories to write and the press seems total happy to print them no matter how inane they are. Here’s…

  • The Secret Life of Machines

    I don’t watch much TV anymore. I watched enough when I was younger to last for a couple of lives. We only get basic cable which luckily includes the Discovery channel so I get a Myth busters fix every now and then. We get the coveting channel too which has Living with Ed which is…

  • Doubling Down

    A long time ago I was in Vegas watching a man gamble his money away at roulette. He was betting red or black and mostly losing. But he was determined and each time he lost he would double his bet thinking he would make up the next time and be back to where he was,…

  • Yoda Sez.

    Like alot of people I have been on a kind of spirtual quest for answers. It probably started 20+ years ago when I read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and for the first time started to think there might actually be a need to find answers that weren’t going to be in any…

  • Economic Efficiency

    I do believe in the power of the markets to maximize efficiency. From an engineering perspective I respect all processes which seek to create a more optimal solution via continual refinement. There are two common pitfalls which keep us from getting to this optimal state. One is when the process gets stuck in local maxima…