Category: Uncategorized

  • Hard to love

    I am trying to learn Objective C and trying to love it rather than hate it but its not always easy. Lets say you want to concatenate a couple of strings A and B. After some googling I found the solution wasn’t: A + B or even: [A concatenate: B] but rather: [NSString stringWithFormat:@”%@%@”, A,B]…

  • Job Ended

    Last week was my last week on my current contract. It feels good to be free to try out something new. Now I just need to decide what. In the meantime I have read a few good books: Linchpin and Switch. I read the latter on the kindle which I like fine but I am…

  • J/K

    Why doesn’t every website/blog etc support j/k or similar for up and down like rss readers and gmail do?

  • Recent Switches

    Windows Mobile -> iPhone Bloglines -> Google Reader Layered Tech -> 1and1 Kubrick -> Carrington So far am happy with all of these changes.

  • Testing

    This is just a test to see if the wordpress iPhone thing is setup correctly

  • Learning this made me almost as happy as Barack winning

    For the Firefox Awesome/Smart Location Bar: If you want to remove an entry from the autocomplete list: 1. Select the entry in the Location bar with the arrow keys or the mouse pointer 2. Press Shift+Delete to remove the item from the list.

  • Things that make me happy lately

    I learned how easy it is to take your bike with you on the Bus. Google apps for domains for all my email. I no longer get any spam. Firefox 3. The awesome bar is awesome. Spanish Class twice a week My Pool playing is actually getting better for the first time since I was…

  • Christmas Computer shopping made easy

    If you want to save money buy this. With XP. Only choose options you are Certain you need. Hint. MS Office is not one of them. You might consider the CD Burner or speakers. If you don’t care about money buy this. Choose whatever options seem like fun. Its only money.

  • Managing Nerds

    Its a great thing Micheal Lopp is still blogging after he finished his book. Otherwise we would miss out on great stuff like this. Your nerd has built an annoyingly efficient relevancy engine in his head. It’s the end of the day and you and your nerd are hanging out on the couch. The TV…

  • Testing Faith

    At 40+ I consider myself an “old” programmer although it feels better to just think of myself as “old-school”. Its an interesting ride because I go back and forth between feeling like I have seen all the things come around 100 times and thinking there is so much new stuff I will never be able…