Category: Uncategorized

  • New Software

    Things look even more ugly than usual due to a switch in the software which drives this site. We are now ! Expect things to look better over time and then expect me to get bored with that.

  • Game Values

    The best value in the PC games right now are old games. For less than 20 bucks you can often pick up some really great games that are still really fun and will run on your older computers. If you aren’t a serious gamer you may have missed some of them and you may not…

  • Fear for Games

    If I was Nintendo, I would be scared right now too.

  • Spiritual Code

    Often my sprituality and my programming code seem to have alot in common. Or at least I think about them in the same ways. My World View or Spiritual Understanding is like a big program that takes various input from the world and tries to make some cosmic sense of it. Some code is very…

  • Mr. Koster and the Obvious

    From Wired For example, would-be mainstream games have to be much more accessible to the average player than the current crop, with less-complex interfaces and rules that ease players into the experience gradually. Further, Koster said, in an environment where many hard-core online players put in 40 or more hours a week, mainstream games would…

  • Gaza withdrawal

    A few weeks ago Mr. Sharon announced his plan for leaving Gaza. While the Israeli population at large supports him, his party did not. He said he would then reformulate his plan. It would appear that his new plan is that rather than withdrawing from Gaza he is planning to keep f—ing them.

  • The Game Biz

    This chart shows the sales for the zelda games going back to 87. What’s fun to notice is that sales don’t really increase over time. Now if we had the numbers for development cost for each of these titles I bet it would be going up. So is the video game business getting better or…

  • Graphing Calculator

    If you want to make simple graphs of equations on a windows box this works pretty nicely. Maybe not as slick as the graphics calculator for the Mac, which is btw. available for the PC but not for free.

  • Games

    I still have no plans to get back in the game industry. I’d rather focus on things that can be done with a small team

  • Free Advice to MS

    If Microsoft wants to improve the user experience for most windows users they should encourage their developers to spend time with users. Not in focus groups or other controlled experiements. Just as them to spend a week going around thier neighborhood asking if anyone needs any help with thier PCs. I’ve been doing some of…