Category: Uncategorized

  • Where its due

    Mr. Slease makes some fine points today in his blog. Having spent some time annealing my thoughts in the same crucible, I felt the desire to share my view on the point. The Truman quote is very good and reminds me of a corollary which I think comes from japan. Or maybe from a Micheal…

  • Le Tour

    Finally staying somewhere that has OLN so I can watch the tour. Its pretty fun to watch. I think lance will probably win but watching the tv coverage makes me want to root for someone else. Its kind of sick how much they try to make it seem like lance is the only one in…

  • Meaning

    So I keep thinking more and more about what I am going to do when my trip is over. Given the way the market is moving it looks like I’ll need to do something that makes money starting in September. I’m just not sure right now how to make the decision and how long to…

  • 3D GUI

    Since most of my career has involved 3D graphics in one way or another, I am always interested in good applications for the technology. In effect, that’s what got me in the video game business in the first place. Since I have left the game business, the search for something to do with what I…

  • Anna K

    Being cut off from the internet is a great way to increase your reading time. While camping in Yellowstone (which is awesome) last week, I was able to read all of Anna Karenina. I really enjoyed it and I am going to add it to the list of books that I refer to as my…

  • 1$

    Spent some time in the dollar store yesterday while waiting for car to get done. Its a strange window into the universe. A sampling of culture based on price alone. Kind of like 3:16 samples the bible, its arbitrary but that doesn’t mean its non illuminating. Its nice to see all you get get for…

  • More from Joel

    I wish I could write like this. Joel continues to do an excellent job of summarizing what’s really going on in the software development world. Probably thats becuase he is actually part of it and not some stupid columnist or marketing jerk.

  • Gmail

    Thanks to icepick, I have gotten an account to play with. Its easily the nices webmail I have used. I have 2 invites of my own to give out if anyone wants em.

  • PC Games Dying

    The demise of PC games has been predicted many times in the past. There is a flurry of articles written on this every time a new console generation comes out. So far they have been wrong. PC games are still aliving and kicking and in fact they will always be. But then so will the…

  • Rainbow

    Saw an incredibly nice rainbow yesterday. Full arc ground to ground. Double. One of the best I have seen. It got me to thinking. If you were a pre modern man and you saw this thing up in the sky you would have no choice but to assume its a Sign. That would be the…