Category: Uncategorized

  • Senate

    Well I was undecided on who I was going to vote for in the senate race until I saw this. Now, I am going to vote for patty murray I know there are lots of negative ads out there. But this is beyond the line for me. I’m not a Democrat. I just happen to…

  • Its hard work

    You can try you own text here

  • Four Preludes

    And while the singers sang and the strong men listened and paid the singers well and felt good about it all, there were rats and lizards who listened … and the only listeners left now … are … the rats … and the lizards. From one of my favorite poems

  • Debate Reaction

    So I’ll score this as a plus for Kerry. Not because he “won” but because he didn’t lose. Lots of people (like me) are planning to vote for Kerry even though we don’t really like him. By acting like a human being and not a pompous ass he helped himself. I don’t think this will…

  • The Clothes Make the Geek

    Paul Graham of Hackers and Painters on the lessons from the internet bubble and what it means to be a nerd. There is a reason why Silicon valley happened in the Bay Area and not in Liars Angeles. If you’re a nerd, you can understand how important clothes are by asking yourself how you’d feel…

  • Bush and 9/11

    Most people I talk to that are voting for Bush cite his great personal character. Frankly, the issues aren’t as important. In this time of crisis we need to choose a leader who has the moral makeup and steadfast resolve to lead our great nation. Bush has demonstrated who he is by the way he…

  • maybe we can leave out california and new york

    Say it! “Let’s say you tried to have an election and you could have it in three-quarters or four-fifths of the country. But in some places you couldn’t because the violence was too great,” Rumsfeld told a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing. “Well, so be it. Nothing’s perfect in life, so you have an election…

  • Let’s Max

    I’ve written before about ways I think that some video games can be evil. One game I can’t seem to find much fault in is Dance Dance Revolution. We have the PS2 version and a couple of mats. Everyone in the family plays. Its a pretty social experience and you get a alot of exercise.…

  • Re-Undisabstractionated

    Me: so whats actually going on is “hidden” inside these functor/delegates ? They: Its not that its “hidden,” but its abstracted to a level that is hard to trace. Me: that is the same thing. Joel says this alot better than I can. In programming, we create abstactions all the time and for lots of…

  • Bad Vibrations

    Hmmm. “While seemingly counterintuitive, researchers have found that employees with positive moods may sometimes be less creative at the workplace than those in negative moods.”