Category: Uncategorized

  • Google Desktop

    Just started playing with it.. So far its pretty cool. Wish it would search my Tbird email not not just Bloatlook.

  • I’m so glad its over

    Well. I think after watching all three debates my basic opinion is that I am glad I don’t have to watch any more of them. I doubt anyone’s mind will be changed by this debate. So It looks like were heading for another close one. From the latest polls it looks like whoever wins florida…

  • I’m with Sam’s Boys.

    This doesn’t seem to go away. Now Walmart who sells CD players for under 10 bucks, wants CD’s to cost the same. Poor record companies. I feel so sorry for them… Check out this breakdown of where the $15.99 goes: $0.17 Musicians’ unions $0.80 Packaging/manufacturing $0.82 Publishing royalties $0.80 Retail profit $0.90 Distribution $1.60 Artists’…

  • Frontline

    Caught some of Frontline’s The Choice 2004 show tonight. Staring on Oct 15, it will be online here. Nice overview of the history of the War and leading up to the election. One thing surprised me. There were clips of Kerry talking before the war about how we needed a plan and to involve our…

  • Kerry

    Ok I missed part of the debate starting at around 7pm. This seemed closer that the first debate. But considering how much the momentum shifted toward Kerry I don’t see Bush rebounding out of this in some sense not losing at this point is a win for the tall guy. So right now It looks…

  • MMO Luv

    Its all just in fun The most common snag of a potential romance in an MMORPG is having a person who is paired off in the RL, but whose partner does not play. Where does the line between the RL and role-play get drawn, and how does the player keep his or her partner from…

  • Its all in Black and White

    In a shocking revelation covered by the BBC no less, Peter Molyneux admits that he over-hyped the game Fable prior to its release. I do love the part about how the trees don’t grow because it required 15% of the CPU. Maybe he’ll release that code as open source so we can all enjoy it.…

  • How we are going to succeed in Iraq

    Regardless of who wins on Nov 2 (or a few weeks later in the Supreme Court) I think the war in Iraq will play out essentially the same. There will be a 2 pronged stragety which will allow us to claim victory and bring alot of the troops home. Thousands will of course stay there…

  • In your face

    I really don’t know what CNN is thinking with this. But I don’t think it makes people who supported the war happy. Maybe they are all watching fox anyways…

  • VP debate

    I’m trying to post my reaction to these right after before a zillion people have told me what I am supposed to think. This one I have to score for Cheney. Not a huge win but he showed himself as knowledgeable, secure, and focused. In short all the things that Bush failed to do for…