Category: Uncategorized

  • Worst Link Today

    This is about the worst of the arm chair quarterbacking google articles I have seen. Do we really have to frame everything in software as X vs Microsoft? The crux of the whole article is this statement: The search industry is the next place in which a vast architectural empire could be built. Some portions…

  • Best Link today

    This is the best thing I have read today. Some quotes: a good platform strives to be like Seinfeld; about nothing You get brilliant team members attending 3 hours of meetings a day because they happen to know that once or twice during those three hours they will say “Ah, I’m not sure that works.”…

  • Future Danger to P2P ?

    P2p apps have continued to be popular and effective for millions of users. While its probably true the the majority of bits which travel over these systems are doing so against the will of the “protectors” of the bits (the RIAA, MPAA, BSA etc), there also seems to be no way to stop it. The…

  • Reducing Our Dependence on Mideast Oil

    Its generally agreed that our (and the world’s) dependence on Mideast oil negatively impacts our National Security. However, the market forces in place make it very difficult to reduce or eliminate this dependency. The fact is that we won’t transisiton to the hydrogen economy until we have to, and so we will be sending money…

  • Prospects for the Metaverse

    As a voluntary exile from the Game industry, I do spend time thinking about how the skills I have can be applied to other kinds or products. If you spend any time at all doing that I keep coming back to the idea of making the web more 3d. That’s possibly because I spend about…

  • Design Layers

    I’m going to attempt to amplify what I said yesterday by showing how a development process is organized around several levels. These levels really represent a hierarchy of abstactions which a project must define and utilize. At the lowest level is the Language. In most cases this comes to you as a black box and…

  • Programming models

    I used to have a book on 6502 assembly language programming back in the days when I was trying to recreate the arcade game Defender on my Atari 800. I think I may have forgotten most of what is in the book. I do remember that A9 is hex for LDA (load accumulator) but I…

  • Biblical Values

    Several religious groups are recently becoming more and more vocal about what they want and expect the current Administration to do for them. This approach while criticized by many, is clearly Biblical. You just have to know where to look for the examples. You might have some trouble finding this behavior in Jesus’ life. He…

  • More Wal-Mart Goodies

    Because 12 percent of China’s exports to the U.S. end up on Wal-Mart’s shelves, and because Wal-Mart’s trade with China accounts for 1 percent of that country’s gross domestic product, the company exerts tremendous downward pressure on prices. Link By its own count, Wal-Mart has 460 terabytes of data stored on Teradata mainframes, made by…

  • Since I am down about the Election

    Maybe i’ll just post cool things. for a while. Here’s one more .