Author: brice

  • Gradual School

    A previous post got this comment: You were in a gradual school? I am guessing the commenter was “helping” me with my spelling which I do need in  general but in this case I was referring to: Walt: Daddy what’s gradual school? T. S. Garp: What? Walt: Gradual school. Mommy say’s she teaches at gradual…

  • Social Works

    Conventional wisdom says that the free market compensates people based on how hard they work, their ability,  or the importance of their job. People with rare or high levels of talent and strong work ethic rise to the top and make the most money.  It is certainly true that most of the people at the…

  • Thoughts on Random Thoughts

    Yesterday I put up a post on my blog about programming. I did this because I had read an earlier post that inspired me about the idea of trying to write something every day. The basic idea was that if you keep at it you will get better. So I had a go. The incredible…

  • Some random thoughts on programming

    Since this post actually got read by people I made a follow up to clarify some of what I was saying. Thanks internet for helping me realize how bad I am at making my point. As I near the end of my third decade programming, I keep finding myself coming back to pondering the same…

  • Obsession

    Sometimes when I am feeling a little obsessed with something. I wonder where I stand on some kind of scale relative to other people. Today I wonder, what FedEx package has had the most hits on its tracking page.

  • Nimbulist

    I finally actually finished an iPhone app and put it in the store. Its pretty simple but solves a problem I actually had. I am a big user of Evernote and but thier iPhone client is pretty clunky for editing todo lists. Nimbulist (app store link) lets you do this quickly with what I think…

  • Getting Auto updates to work in recent WordPress

    If you are in this hell: Connection Information: To preform the requested action… This guy is your friend: Direct plugin auto-update on WordPress 2.8 Quick version: define(‘FS_METHOD’, ‘direct’);

  • Bike ride photo…

    Saw this on a ride recently. What exactly is GOD charging these days for Freedom?

  • Something I learned yesterday

    If you stop to ask directions from people carrying shotguns (in this case security people walking along the road),  they may ask you for a ride if they do, Its probably going to end up that you have people with shotguns in the back seat of your car for a while. For me at least…

  • The best part of travel

    Starts after the plane lands. just starting an 11 day trip to el Salvador with optional side trip to Guatemala. Writing this using the neighbors’ wifi from my friends house here in auachapan. Flights we all good and I’m looking forward to heading to sonsonate tomorrow. Hopefully there will be better photos then too. Btw.…