Thanks for Nothing.

From the NY Times:
Nuclear Expert Receives Pardon From Musharraf
“RAWALPINDI, Pakistan, Feb. 5 — Pakistan’s president, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, granted a full pardon on Thursday to Abdul Qadeer Khan, the founder of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program, a day after Dr. Khan appeared on television and confessed to sharing nuclear technology with Iran, North Korea and Libya.
As a result, Dr. Khan, 67, will not face prison, a fine or any other punishment.
In a 90-minute news conference at army headquarters here, General Musharraf said Pakistan would not hand over all documents from its investigation to international nuclear inspectors. He said it would not order an independent investigation into the Pakistani Army’s role in the proliferation, calling the idea “rubbish.” And he said he would never allow United Nations supervision of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. ”
Well there really isn’t anything to say about that…






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