Meme’ing with GPT

This is a fun and clever meme:

How does GPT deal with it?

Explain this meme

The meme plays on the order of operations in mathematics. The correct way to solve the expression “230 – 220 x (1 ÷ 2)” is to first solve the operation inside the parentheses, then multiplication, and finally subtraction:

1 ÷ 2 = 0.5 220 x 0.5 = 110 230 – 110 = 120

So, the correct answer is 120. The meme humorously depicts an argument between two characters about the correct answer, emphasizing the common mistake people make by not following the order of operations.

[Ok That’s pretty good but doesn’t get the trick Let’s try helping it.]

what is the value of 5!

The value of (5!) (5 factorial) is:

5! = 5 *4 * 3 *2 * 1 = 120

Can you explain the meme again now?


The meme showcases a common mathematical mistake. It presents the expression “230 – 220 x (1 ÷ 2)”. Following the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS: Parentheses/Brackets, Exponents/Orders, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction):

  1. Calculate inside the parentheses: 1 ÷ 2 = 0.5
  2. Multiply: 220 x 0.5 = 110
  3. Subtract: 230 – 110 = 120

So, the correct answer is 120. The meme humorously depicts an argument between two characters, with one insisting the answer is 5 (a wrong calculation), and the other correctly stating it’s 120.

[Hmm, Still not getting it. Lets try]

But 5! is 120

Yes, you’re right. The meme is a play on words and numbers. The character saying “It’s 5!” is technically correct when referring to the factorial notation “5!”, which equals 120. The meme cleverly combines the mathematical expression with the factorial notation to create humor.






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