10 things I learned in the Game Industry

Since I’m currently in my latest attempt to quit the game industry, I thought it would be good to make a list of what I learned.

  1. Alpha Blending covers over way more sins than you think it will.
  2. The best Game design comes just borrowing ideas from other places and iterating. See any game by Blizzard.
  3. Ideas are easy, Choices are hard. The easiest 5 words are “Wouldn’t it Be Cool If…”
  4. Crunch time exists so that people get tired of saying “Wouldn’t it be cool if?”
  5. No matter how good/bad your tech is you will get more out of your visuals by hiring better artists.
  6. You will end up hating virtually any 3rd Partly library you use.
  7. You need to put one of your best coders on the build system and tools because when they don’t work nobody does.
  8. People will always say that graphics isn’t as important as gameplay but with the possible exception of the Wii (Yea! nintendo), they vote differently with their money.
  9. Publishers Lie.
  10. There was no budget for 10 so we had to cut it.






4 responses to “10 things I learned in the Game Industry”

  1. Paul Querna Avatar

    I learned C++ in the Game Industry.

  2. topmen Avatar

    Those are brilliant!

    You’re a smart guy. How the heck did you end up in the game industry?


  3. Toria Avatar

    Can I say hi Chip and hi Rand? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    But seriously, how did you end up in the Game Industry? Aren’t we lucky (as fans of Myst) that you did? Yes, we are. thanks.

  4. Paradox Avatar

    I laughed for a day after reading this. Thanks a lot Brice ๐Ÿ™‚

    Well, I’m not in the Game Industry, but your game has taught me three programming languages, 3D Modelling, and a lot of random computer stuff.

    I’d like to say a few things as a programmer:
    -I completely agree with #3; #6; and #7
    -3rd Party Libraries are a programmer’s greatest fear ๐Ÿ˜‰


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